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Tech blogs went wild when blogger Robert Scoble wrote:

Speaking of Apple, they are readying a dizzying amount of new products. I wish I could camp out at an Apple store during the World Wide Developer Conference on August 7th. I wish I could say more, but that'd get me sued by Steve Jobs and I don't need that kind of heck right now.

Fast-forward to this morning at the WWDC. Steve Jobs announces two new products, one of which is a rack-mount server. As dizzying as a kiddie carousel.

What was Scoble doing? Option 1: The ex-Microsoft blogger was bluffing, betting that Apple would finally deliver the iPhone or the touchless iPod so he could look like the insider that he used to be at Microsoft.

Option 2: He really does know something, and he won't shut up (as every Apple employee has learned to do).

If the former, that's pretty shady. If the latter, that just goes to show you shouldn't share your secrets with Scoble. But he's a great person to feed a false leak — which, of course, is Option 3.

McLaws is right on Windows Vista ship date [Scobleizer]