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We're so proud of our big brother Consumerist, Gawker Media's twisted version of Ralph Nader. When AOL proudly released the search records of half a million users this weekend, Consumerist dug down and found the sordid search record of one AOL user.

The record starts out blandly enough in March. First he's concerned about how long it takes broken legs to heal. Then he investigates human mold. Perhaps staying at home after an accident? Then he peeks into a little dog sex, but the leash isn't very long, the most prurient site he reaches being, a regular ol' newspaper.

Later that day he looks up flowers. flowers aster. butterfly orchid. The next day, more flowers, followed by a little forced rape porn, testicle festivals and slow-dancing steps. Must be planning a big night.

And now we know why AOL violated the privacy of hundreds of thousands of customers. It's not for research, it's for content — these search histories are better reality entertainment than American Idol.

AOL User 927 Illuminated [Consumerist]