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Remember all those rumors that Avalon Equity was going to merge its faltering New York Press with its other local holding, The New York Blade, to create the city's largest gay paper? Us either. Speaking of the NYP, we just got the following press release.

New York Press is pleased to announce the addition of former New York City Mayor Ed Koch to the paper's new team of regular columnists. During the '70s and '80s Mayor Koch became one of America's most well-known political figures, and he has continued to remain a vibrant part of the political landscape. "I grew up watching Mayor Koch run our city and I'll never forget his trademark 'How am I doing?' greeting as he strolled the streets of Manhattan," says New York Press editor-in-chief Adario Strange. "Having such a historic icon of New York City in our paper is not only an honor, but a logical move for New York's only remaining independent alternative weekly newspaper.