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Star Jones may be on a crusade to sniff out the rat who dared suggested there may be some sizable cracks forming in her marriage to stallion-legged husband Al Reynolds, but it will take more than threats of legal action to throw the tenacious gossip hounds of Page Six off Reynolds' suspiciously floral scent. Watch how, through the use of some carefully selected facts and turns of phrase, a simple item about someone accidentally ringing the neighbor's door at 4 a.m. manages to trumpet "Al's a Gay!" without ever saying the actual words (lightly encoded gay innuendo in boldface):

"He was a really big black guy in a bucket hat," said the mole, who glimpsed Reynolds' gentleman caller on his TV monitor via the building's closed-circuit cameras. [...]

Reynolds' neighbor says that, during daylight hours, Jones' mustachioed hubby is a regular sight around the building - albeit in very informal dress. [...]

"I know Al. I see him in the elevator all the time - in Spandex," the neighbor said, adding that Jones and Reynolds appear to be together "only when they go to parties..." [...]

Last year, he was denied entrance at one Hamptons nightclub after showing up with a gaggle of guys.

Individually, the clues are innocuous enough. But put them together, and you begin to get a shockingly vivid, rainbow-colored portrait of a man leading a double life—particularly when you figure in the the quote from 78-year-old Sylvia Jacobson in apartment 7D, who complained about how she's "always finding a copy of Black Inches addressed to 'Big Al Industries' mistakenly dropped in my mailbox."