• Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is taking a trip to the South Pole. In a hydrogen-powered Hummer. With Buzz Aldrin in the driver's seat. And James Cameron filming it — in 3d. [Barrons]
  • When your web host illustrates a three-week corporate recap with the Hindenberg, a house on fire, a hurricane, rubble, and a mushroom cloud, is that a bad sign? [Dreamhost blog]
  • Microsoft's Windows chief changes horses in the middle of a stream. [Microsoft Watch]
  • Time Warner says it will "enhance the growth of AOL's advertising business" — by killing off AOL's paid access business. [Time Warner press release]
  • Looks like Wired editor Chris Anderson has found that vital element to every seminal work of popular non-fiction: a nemesis. The Wall Street Journal's Lee Gomes writes another installment of the "Chris Anderson is wrong" series. [WSJ]