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Observe hunky young Dr. Mark Warfel, ambitious Manhattan plastic surgeon with a secret plan: to perform all kinds of disturbing procedures on your penis, and to be paid well for the pleasure. In the name of enlargement, he's prepared to sever its ligaments, yank it further out of your groin, inject it with fat, and wrap it an am empowering sheath of dead flesh. Not girthy enough? Fear not:

Right now, there are two methods of adding girth to a penis: injecting fat, or wrapping the penis in layers of cadaver skin.

Both have drawbacks, in that the body would like to absorb both fat and skin. Even corpse skin.

So in a way, your significant other gets to engage in a threesome that's (at least) one-third necrophillic. One could be forgiven for reconsidering that decision to check the "donor" box on the back of one's driver's license.

Priapus Shrugged [Observer]