It was hard to pick a favorite moment from last night's episode of Daily News docu-series Tabloid Wars — so much Greg Gittrich, so much Hud Morgan — but ultimately Hud Morgan won our attention. A disturbing amount of screen time was devoted to to Lloyd Grove's former wingman, who even let the camera crews film him "waking up" in his apartment (no doubt a maneuver so that Hud might show the world his chicken chest). But of all the witticisms to spew forth from Hud's mouth, we ultimately felt that his serious reporting assignment was most worth highlighting. Sent to Hackensack (which he had hoped was some sort of "bobo paradise") for a colon cancer screening, Morgan is visibly moved after interviewing a man who has lost multiple family members to the disease. We've not seen someone fake sincerity like this since Queens lost power.

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Tabloid Wars