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The second installment of Defamer PartyWatch brings us to ground zero of many an inter-starlet, deck-chair-flinging, tabloid-baiting incident: poolside at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, for a reception celebrating the premiere of music video director Marc Webb's short film, L.A. Suite. Staff photoslave Amy Rodrigue was again on hand to capture the scene, using the potent combination of her keen eye for composition and keen nose for free alcohol fumes to find people drunk enough not to notice they're being photographed for Defamer. (Should you care to have your party or event's guests photographed and preserved for all time on the blogowebosphere, you know where to send the invites: But enough introduction—images of those significantly more fabulous and less housebound than your editors follow after the jump:

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The girl in the yellow shirt is from Australia, where we hear tight, yellow t-shirts bearing images of the Messiah are red-hot right now. Get yours before every celebutard at Kitson has one.

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Would you mind undoing just one more shirt button for me, sweetheart? Daddy's hands are full of drinks.

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A brief altercation broke out over who should've been awarded the gold medal in the party's Tightest White T-Shirt With Sharpie Scribbles On It event, but was ultimately settled when it was pointed out to the the gentleman on the right that his garment lacked the qualifying ink-work.

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Believe it or not, these two guests are both in the same acting class—a fact which undermined the older man's pick-up line about being a very powerful Hollywood producer with the ability to make her a star. Also: She is not Katie Holmes. We checked.

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L.A. Suite durector Marc Webb and a companion who may or may not be famous. We did not check.

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This was not one of those occasions where hopping in the pool was considered especially cute, as the wet couple pictured was ejected by the nice men with the initimidating earpieces.

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Yes, that really is Tia Carrere, whom you undoubtedly know from Wayne's World and, um...Wayne's World Begins?

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Just after this photo was taken, three more blondes rushed into the frame to ensure that the proper blonde-to-brunette ratio was maintained, keeping the party in compliance with city ordinances.

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Defamer PartyWatch Tip: Denim-covered male genitalia makes an excellent place to rest either your hands or your cold beer can!

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Defamer PartyWatch Tip #2: Unexpectedly place your cold hand on the back of your companion right before a photographer snaps a picture for a split-second of fun!

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Brittany Murphy wasn't at the party, but she was encountered on our photographer's trip back to her car, and was given just enough warning of the passing camera to have a publicist stage an impromptu autograph session for our benefit.