Ron Burkle Not to Be Confused With Jeffrey Epstein!

In our post yesterday detailing the various exploits, both business and sexual, of pervy financier Jeffrey Epstein, we noted that Epstein had supposedly introduced fellow billionaire and so-called extortion victim Ron Burkle to Radar editor Maer Roshan (Epstein funded Radar 2.0, Burkle is rumored to be involved in funding Radar 3.0). In explaining the similarities between Epstein and Burkle, we noted that both Epstein and Burkle had fancy (sexy!) private jets, both had hosted President Clinton on said jets, and both are thought to have an interest in ladies who are not old. Big whoop — we beat the Burkle stuff to death months ago. Epstein's the story here.
Today, however, comes word that Burkle is not pleased with our coverage. Though we've written much about the billionaire's rumored exploits, apparently we crossed a line in daring to mention him in the same breath as the far more sketchy Jeffrey Epstein. Burkle's lawyers have demanded a "sincere apology" for insinuating that Burkle is a "would-be felon," so here it is: we're sincerely sorry that Mr. Burkle and Mr. Epstein have a few things in common. It's very unfortunate for Burkle, we agree.
After the jump, the highly indignant letter from Team Burkle.
Click each to enlarge.