This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

This picture appeared on page 5 of today's Sun, with the caption "X-RAY CHALLENGE A boy takes a breather after a morning exercise session at New Image Weight Loss Camp at Camp Pocono Trails on July, 19 in Reeders, PA."

Four things:

• The photo is a stock image from Getty which The Sun attached to an article about Americans being too fat to X-ray. The only link between the story and the photo is the fact that, well, the kid is kind of chunky.

• The caption is accurate in that the photo was taken on July 19; what you'll only learn if you go to Getty is that it was July, 19 of 2002. Apparently, every American kid has lost so much weight in the last four years that we need to go deep into the archives for photographic evidence of childhood obesity.

• It seems ridiculously unfair to single out a child who's actually making an effort to reduce the weight he's carrying and put him atop a headline that contains the words "too fat."

• If we've got to see this picture first thing in the morning, so do you.

Americans are getting too fat for X-rays [Daily Telegraph]

[Photo: Getty]