Deep into the crazed mind of Guru Dion Hinchcliffe
It's always fun to discover that found madness is the tip of a big iceberg of crazy. When someone sent in the newsletter of Web 2.0 guru Don Hinchcliffe, we thought that's all we'd get to mock. But Don's one of the famed batshit loco ZDNet bloggers — and he's got DIAGRAMS!
Good bloggers don't just regurgitate news. They make value adds. That's why Don accompanies every post on his blog with a fantastical Powerpoint concoction. Let's tour Don's magical land.
You should have gone before we left the house

In Situation 1, there's only one public men's room at the base of a mountain. In Situation 2, due to sloppy planning by the parks commission, there are five.
And show it to me in one-dollar increments

Web 2.0 is run by Jerry McGuire.
50% chance of sprinkles

Either this is a brilliant homage to Duchamp's sculpture "The Bride Stripped Bare," or someone on the right is masturbating under a raincloud.
All your Legos are belong to us

If the man on the left puts his hands on the side and top of the pile of toys, he can push them onto the children below.
Hi, my name is Bob, I work at the widget factory

Three Widget Scouts race onto the den mother's lawn to pick up their badges.
New strategy: let the Klingon win

It's too early in the Star Trek 3D chess game to tell, but with Data dominating two levels, he may win the match.
Don Hinchcliffe's Enterprise Web 2.0 blog [ZDNet]
Earlier: Guru Dion, the Web 2.0 psychic