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Without the assistance of recently-Condefied reporter Gabe Sherman, the Observer's Off the Record column is free to roam to the wildest corners of editor Tom Scocca's imagination — like an in-depth look at YouTube! And today, that means peppering your article with anecdotal nostalgia:

Then the Pixies popped up on my laptop, playing on Dennis Miller, I was transported: I was standing in front of my dorm-room television, 14 years in the past, in the peach-tinged glare of an early-generation halogen torchiere [...] I felt a gleeful kick as Black Francis scurried up to the mike and announced they were covering a "Reid Brothers song"—a secret handshake to us viewers who not only knew the Jesus and Mary Chain, but knew the Jesus and Mary Chain's names. The band tore through "Head On," just like they'd torn through it in 1992.

YouTube wha? Clearly Scocca would much rather be writing about his beloved Pixies — in the slow media summer, who wouldn't? — so in the spirit of opportunity, we're allowing him to share his top 10 Pixies songs (iTunes playlist obviously TK):

Tom Scocca's Top 10 Pixies Songs
1. Bone Machine
2. Break My Body
3. Gigantic
4. Gouge Away
5. The Holiday Song
6. In Heaven
7. Oh, My Golly!
8. Rock Music
9. There Goes My Gun
10. Where Is My Mind?
Bonus: Debaser, as covered by a Japanese band called Feed

There you go! Now you don't even have to read the article.

The YouTube Devolution [NYO]