Fat Women With 'View' Ambitions Now High on 'Do Not Fly' List

It would pretty much take Mo'nique being dragged off a plane amidst concern she's some kind of terrorist threat for us to take notice of the plus-sized Pepsi pitchwoman, which is precisely what happened as she boarded a United flight headed to her guest hosting gig on The View. From ET Online:
[Mo'nique] had reportedly boarded a flight to New York in first class when, she alleges, flight attendants threw her off the plane without giving her a reason why, referring to her as a "threat."
Mo'nique tells "ET" exclusively, "It was incredibly humiliating and embarrassing for me. Police were everywhere."
The actress was attempting to fly to New York in order to guest host "The View." She did make that engagement, sitting down with the ladies Monday morning.
Her View stint didn't fair much better: Mo' was subjected to multiple indignities at the hands of the Star Jones-snuffing Barbara Walters, who forced her to display her unshaven legs, referred to her nine-month-old twins as "creatures," then capped it all off by announcing, "Just remember...You come and go, we stay!" We can only hope the comedienne didn't leave the appearance feeling so traumatized and utterly inadequate, she was immediately compelled to book a gastric bypass and start hunting for a gay husband.