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Did everyone else take crazy pills, or can I get an amen about the myth of the rooftop party event horizon?

Every time there's a "This is not the bubble you're looking for" article, proudly listing ways the new tech boom is less exciting, and thus more sustainable, than the last one, someone brings up rooftop parties. Why? What is the magical bubbly distinction of holding a party above the top floor?

"Only kings and emperors have the luxury of roof access! Oh woe is the bubble when someone breaks the overhead safety net we call the ceiling!" Really, year-round we have the weather for a good rooftop party in the Valley, why can't we use it? And when we don't have the right weather, it's a brave act of suffering to hold a party on the roof! An admission that our indoor space is too small, too unfrivolous! No, the real thing to watch out for is those basement parties. Imagine the opulence! A space for fun carved out of the earth itself! Just thinking of it makes me want to IPO something.