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You ever get the feeling that Times "method journalist" Alex Kuczynski is actually some kind of brilliant performance artist whose mission is to see how far beyond any level of parody she can go and still be taken seriously by a shallow, credulous society? Because that's the only way the brief Q&A in the current Publishers Weekly makes sense. Alex lets us know that it wasn't out of any kind of self-loathing that she went under the knife repeatedly; it was more about being a prodigy (she was the Mozart of writing about expensive jeans, you know) facing the aging process:

I was myself a beauty junkie. I had liposuction on my posterior. I had my upper eyelids done because they were congenitally puffy. I did a lot of Botox. Rather than hating some part of myself, I think this was about preserving the wunderkind factor. You're a smart journalist in your 20s and people say, gosh, it's so great you've achieved so much and you're so young. And then you finally wake up one day and you're middle-aged. [Kuczynski is 38.]

Her parts, on the other hand, are still under 21.

Chasing Beauty [PW]