Valley arm candy for Valley sugar daddies

Now that TechCrunch blog founder Michael Arrington has closed the RSVP list once and for all for his August party, those who didn't get in are dealing with the pain. But dot-com entrepreneur Angie Chang (founder of beauty review site themintpages) won't give up hope. She wants Michael to let her in as arm candy.
"If these VC and rich entrepreneur types are SO fabulous," says Angie, "they should sponsor women like myself, you know, take us shopping, buy us that hot dress, and take us out for a nice evening at the boys club."
After all, it's no secret that TechCrunch parties are sausage-fests. If a lady at these parties has to fight off a crowd of sweaty men, she may as well get paid for it.
TechCrunch party at August Capital [TechCrunch]
Earlier: Hard charger alert! TechCrunch party list starts mayhem! [Valleywag]