Properly gender-assigned Arquette brother David was excited to present at Comic-Con some preview scenes of his directorial debut, The Tripper. He describes it as a "political horror" film, which, in our minds anyway, conjures tantalizing images of an escaped lunatic in a rubber Lincoln mask stalking the current administration through the halls of the White House. A funny thing happened on the way to the nerd forum, however, as a red-faced Arquette was forced to explain to the gathered crowd that he had somehow misplaced the video:

The rest of the post and an update after the jump.

"I'm so embarrassed," the 34-year-old actor told the throng of fans who gathered to see the film at the comic convention. "It'll probably be on the Internet tonight."

To appease the crowd, Arquette acted out a few lines from the movie, which he co-wrote.

We welcome any footage you may have stumbled across online—or, even better, video of Arquette's live, Comic-Con reenactments*. And while we wouldn't put the gaffe past the differently-abled actor, a far more likely scenario was that once the political nature of the movie became known, a squadron of undercover DHS agents disguised as Wookies and Ninja Turtles were immediately dispatched to blanket the San Diego convention center, with strict orders to "misplace" the video for him.

*UPDATE: A reader alerted us to the fact that video of Arquette's Comic-Con presentation was available on, which we have included above. Unfortunately, the clip contains none of Arquette's reenactments, but plenty of apologetic fumbling and fidgeting as he tries to explain what happened.