Is Seann William Scott David Geffen's Billionaire Boy Candy?

Nestled deeply in the "Surveillance" section of today's Rush & Molloy column in the NY Daily News comes this item regarding Seann William Scott, star of such upcoming entertainments as Coxblocker and Mr. Woodcock, tripping the gay light fantastic with none other than Carbon Beach land baron, David Geffen:
Sean William Scott turned heads when he showed up at Los Angeles gay bar Heat on the arm of David Geffen ...
We imagine the rather fishy smelling item—there is no LA gay bar called Heat, to our knowledge—was most probably planted by someone looking to stir up trouble, and reported without checking the facts. (Just like we do with our sightings!) Then again, perhaps we've just become far too skeptical, and Geffen has indeed managed to woo the actor with expensive gifts and promises to finance Scott's very own DreamWorks shingle.