This image was lost some time after publication.

Flickr, the site where it's okay to occasionally just take everything offline without notice, swapped out its old "Flickr is having a massage" error message for a newer, altogether weirder message. Those circles are supposed to represent the business end of some tubes (a reference to the The Internet is a Series of Tubes joke) the Flickr logo, but they look more like...well...something else.

Now's your chance to tell just what those circles look like! Flickr wants YOU to print that screen and "color in the dots." Then photograph your "coloring" and tag it "flickrcolourcontest" (note the nerdy Canadian spelling) on Flickr! Team Flickr will give the best drawing a free Flickr pro account. Well guess what — Valleywag will give a pro account AND a Valleywag comment account to the drawing WE deem most amusing! Tag your picture "valleywag" on Flickr to enter!

Flickr front page [currently down]