And so another long-rumored internerd deal inches closer to fruition: it would seem that Viacom has shown interest in humor paper and website The Onion. Granted, The Onion has come up in every single "Who Shall We Rape and Pillage This Week?" meeting for the past 3 years, but now that Barry Diller is snatching up frat boys and their anal-probing foam fingers, Viacom CEO Tom Freston is seriously considering acquiring the wit and wisdom of Jean Teasdale and Jackie Harvey. If the online shopping spree continues, it can only be a matter of time before Office Pirates finds a home within the arms of some major media conglomerate. Or, at least, a major media conglomerate that actually wants them.

Update: The official response from The Onion is that "it's just a rumor." Whatever puts the food on our plates.

[Via HuffPo]