$900K Legal Decision Against Jackson; Rare Pair Of Macaulay Culkin Underoos To Mysteriously Appear On EBay

A jury has come to a verdict today in the case of the Gay-Porn-Producing Ex-Business Associate vs. Michael Jackson: The man Jackson once allegedly entrusted to capture frightened Brazilian children with an oversized butterfly net has been awarded $900,000:
In a split decision Friday, a civil court jury awarded a former Michael Jackson adviser $900,000 — far less than he claimed in the money dispute — and awarded the pop star $200,000 in his cross-complaint.
F. Marc Schaffel originally sued for $3.8 million, but his claims were later reduced to $1.6 million, and his attorney ultimately asked the jury for $1.4 million in unpaid loans and expenses before deliberations began Thursday.
While there was a time when $900,000 would have been but a drop in the bucket, Jackson's dire financial picture is much different now. With Neverland Ranch shuttered and his Beatles song collection up for collateral, Jackson might be forced to part with some of prized possessions, even though breaking up his pristine set of custom-made daddles was something he swore he'd never do.