Remainders: Things That Make You Go Boom

• UES explosion video! Don't pretend like you're too classy to watch. [NYP]
• Ashley Judd is flakier than you might think. [Tacitus]
• Why are people assholes on line? They're trying to act like journalists. [Guardian]
• Gail Collins says "sorry 'bout that" for the whole WMD thing. [E&P]
• There is no direct correlation between the amount of food left on the plate and the request for a doggie bag. [NYT]
• Following up on a Page Six report that former *NSYNC star Lance Bass was seen in a gay bar in Provincetown, Mass, ABC's Buck Wolf takes a look at the ethical issues concerning the "outing" of celebrities in - wait a second. "Lance Bass"? "Buck Wolf"? Who did the spotting here, "Bruce Hung"? [ABC]
• Speaking of Provincetown, it's nice to see that the gays can be as intolerant as the rest of us. [Boston Globe]
• A propos of nothing, we're pretty sure the YouTube dude sold us pot at a Phish show back in '93. [NYP]