Software shipper Marc Canter doesn't deny smoking dope at conferences or inviting lesbians to threesomes with his wife

Oh dear, I've gone and made longtime software developer Marc Canter (pictured here having a reasoned discussion) mad by printing someone's joke about him. Just as a refresher, here's what someone told me (and what I published yesterday):
Oh dear, I just did a Canter in the [redacted] presentation.
In the sense of "fell asleep in an orange shirt." Not "smoked dope first and heckled incoherently."
Or "hit on any woman present, then when told she's a lesbian suggested a threesome with my wife."
Or "hired a series of programmers and forgot to pay them."
Here's what Canter replied:
Clearly Valleywag has set new levels of blogging integrity.
I sure would like to know who claims that I asked them to do work - and refused to pay them?
Just sayin'.
Is this what blogging has stooped to? [Marc's blog]
Photo: Marc Canter gone wild [Robert Scales on Flickr]