Bye, everyone. Looks like Gawker Media is so over.

At least, if I believe the San Jose Mercury News. One of their latest tech articles opens with, "YouTube is so over." But they may as well be talking about the blog network that owns Valleywag.

The Mercury News says about YouTube:

It's been written about in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Mercury News, Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, Fortune, Time and on blogs, blogs and more blogs.

But just last night, Slate said about Gawker Media boss Nick Denton:

He's given smart quotations to the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Guardian, Business Week, the Independent, Mediaweek, Fortune, Adweek, PR Week, the San Francisco Chronicle, Wired, and Los Angeles magazine, just to name a few publications.

I won't line up the titles and see whose is longer, but you get the point. And the parallels run deeper. The Merc says YouTube's growing up — which is exactly what Denton profiler David Carr said about Gawker in the New York Times. The Merc says YouTube's too popular — which Slate basically says about Denton.

So the Merc says YouTube's so over, and who am I to argue with the Merc? And if YouTube's over, what chance does a little media company like Gawker have?

Cassidy: YouTube hits the big time in a short time [Mercury News]
Nick Denton, Publicity Cat [Slate]