Trade Round-Up: Is Paramount Through With Tom Cruise?

· Increasingly cost-conscious studios are reexamining what kind of financial return they're getting on their expensive producing deals. So tight-fistedly cautious is the current climate that Paramount is reportedly dragging its feet on renewing its deal with Tom Cruise and Paula Wagner, perhaps thinking they can coax a more favorable dollars-to-publicity-disaster ratio from other producers. [Variety]
· Heavy-handed, Oscar-winning fauxteur Paul Haggis wants to break Vince Vaughn free of his eight-figures-per-picture comedy jail and smuggle him back to his Return to Paradise day by casting him in his Serious Adaptation of Richard Clarke's Against All Enemies. [THR]
· This just in: Italians love to watch World Cup soccer! [Variety]
· Matt Leinart's defection to CAA is representative of Hollywood agencies' new thirst for pure, healthy athlete blood. [THR]
· Something called Psych earns something else called USA Network "the highest-rated debut episode of a basic-cable series so far this year." Oh, look at us pretend to never have heard of a basic cable network! [Variety]