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Former Rocketboom anchor Amanda Congdon raised the tension in her professional split with producer Andrew Baron last night with a lengthy blog post titled "For the record." After making her case in the intro, the popular vlogger publishes an entire letter from Andrew to her, with the responses she'd sent to him.

Dirty laundry, meet air.

The whole story's worth a read, but this is the nitty gritty:

  • Andrew says, "I really wish you would stay." Amanda replies, "Andrew, you fired me."
  • Andrew thinks that in their partnership deal, Amanda would forfeit her 49% of the company if she moved to LA.
  • Amanda does not. This will prove the most contentious point, now that Rocketboom made lucrative advertising deals.
  • Amanda claims in the comments that her contract with Andrew is signed and on file at the bank.
  • Amanda claims that Andrew said they'd have her in LA by late 2005 — to continue work on Rocketboom. Andrew says that Amanda was moving away from Rocketboom to LA.
  • By this May, says Amanda, Andrew wasn't even attending the daily shoots.
  • Amanda has moved into her parents' house.

Andrew has not replied on his blog.

For the record [Amanda UnBoomed]