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As Tori Spelling continues to sit shivah for her departed father in her own, special way (less garment rending and low-seat sitting, more fabulous Us Weekly cover exclusives!), the woman who once pampered Tori with artificial snow and the finest midget fashions, mother Candy Spelling, has issued a statement in response to Tori's claims that she was never notified of her father's death. (Warning: Those among you with any lingering shreds of human decency should proceed with caution.)

"We are deeply saddened that, during our time of loss and grief, we are forced to respond to the media frenzy caused by the mean-spirited and surprising comments made by Tori to the press, just two days after the passing of Aaron," the statement, issued by Spelling family rep Kevin Sasaki, begins.

"As we try to honor his memory with love and respect, the sudden media frenzy she has created at this sensitive time is hurtful and very disturbing," it continues. "Aaron's legacy deserved pure and unadulterated tribute and recognition which, sadly, has been tainted.

"Everyone deals with grief in a different way, and since Tori chose not to be here at that time, we believe she is having a harder time dealing with that loss. We understand how difficult it might have been for her to be here, and, perhaps, more difficult for her after she arrived. Aaron loved both his children with all his heart, and he understood how hard it was for her."

We would never deign to take sides in what is obviously this deeply personal and painful matter, though we can't help but feel Kitson's recent order of four boxes of Team Candy T-shirts, versus nothing else, does tend to suggest the direction the winds of public opinion are currently blowing. Still, things could easily shift back to Tori's favor once the next chapter unfolds, in the form of an In Touch cover exclusive, "'IF DADDY LOOKS LIKE HE'S GOING TO DIE YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CALL ME:' Tori's Last Words To Her Grieving Mother."