Looking for some extra dough, ladies? Oh, have we found the job for you — and, apparently, good spelling is not a prerequisite. From Craigslist:

Female Linegerie Swimsuit Models For Ballon Popping Videos

Female Models over 18 to pose for a English Ballon Popping Videos. Your job is to pop ballons by sitting or leaning against ballons untill they pop while wearing bra and panty or swimsuit . You will be asked quiz show type questions if you answer wrong you have to pop. Its silly but in england they like it. This project is entertain ment for men.This will be posted on the internet. You must be over 18 and sign a standard model release. Pay 100.00 Plus Train costs and lunch. This is all summer please Email photos sizes phone and why you want to do this so I know you at least read this. Please be pleasant to work with. Richard Coffee

We have no further joke.

Earlier: Linegerie Swimsuit Models For Ballon Popping Videos [CL]