Trade Round-Up: Charlize Theron Closer To Dream Of Playing A Smack Addict

· Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman will star in the Rob Reiner-directed comedy The Bucket List, about "a wish list that two terminally ill men try to fulfill before each kicks the bucket." Hey, you don't want to fuck up a perfectly good high-concept idea by getting cute with the title. [Variety]
· Charlize Theron "lures" British director Alan Parker out of a five year hiatus to helm her "passion project," Ice at the Bottom of the World. And by "passion project," we of course mean the chance to land an Oscar nomination by playing a heroin addict with an appropriately edgy multi-racial child. [THR]
· As usual, the second half of the year will shift from superhero movies to biopics and "earnest topical movies," so get all of the fun out of your system before the serious, Oscar-baiting shit takes over. [Variety]
· Leo DiCaprio finds a way to use development funds to bankroll several months of heavy hallucinogen use. [THR]
· Paramount buys the pitch Frenemies, about two friends who become enemies. See above re: not getting too cute with titles for high-concept ideas. [Variety]