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Details are somewhere between spotty and nonexistent, but we've received a couple of reports about a fire on the Paramount lot a little earlier this afternoon. All we've heard is that the fire was on a sound stage and that fire trucks (real ones, we hope, and not the "movie magic" kind) were called onto the lot to extinguish it. As far as we can tell, there is no truth to the rumor that the incident was a totally forseeable result of studio head Brad Grey's misguided "Burn Down Stage 21 Ice Cream Social" event, and we obviously welcome reports from those with any information on whether or not every Paramount employee should be quickly—but calmly!—evacuating their place of work.


UPDATE: We're told that the fire was in an alley next to the lot's fire station, and that the studio's own fire brigade handled it on their own. These things never wind up being as exciting as when we're all still playing an arson-themed game of telephone, are they?