Cusack Stalker Opts To Express Devotion With Bags Full Of Screwdrivers Instead Of Boombox Serenade

Even as his career might have lost some heat as it swerves temporarily into a spate of forgettable romcom projects, John Cusack's psychopathic, homeless stalker/future soulmate will never stop believing in him:
JOHN CUSACK claims a Los Angeles homeless woman is stalking him and has filed a restraining order against her.
The 39-year-old 'Serendipity' star filed the complaint Friday, saying EMILY LEATHERMAN is "throwing long letters of interest over my fence in bags with rocks and screwdrivers inside ... making unannounced visits to offices of people I work with in an attempt to meet with me."
We wish Cusack would at least acknowledge the loving effort that goes into Leatherman's rock-and-screwdriver-filled flying gift bags, to say nothing of the accompanying "letters of interest," and their playful supplications to "Fuck dogs, Johnny. MUST LOVE ME."