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Last year, New York Magazine tech writer John Heilemann mentioned, in passing, AOL exec Jason Calacanis and his "Web 1.0 flameout." Calacanis was pissed — sure, his 90s mag, the Silicon Alley Reporter, didn't sell for much, but did Heilemann (pictured here dressed as the dot-com bubble) have to call its demise "a comforting sign that there was some justice in the world"?

So imagine Calacanis's surprise when, during the lead-up to his new project Netscape Beta, Netscape PR asks Heilemann to interview him. Turns out it was a mistake (says a tipster), and Netscape was too embarrassed to retract the invitation. So the Calacanis critic shrugged and went through with the piece, coming out in next week's New York Magazine. Word is, his slant is "Even Jason's friends don't like Jason." The teaser reads:

THE POWER GRID: Suit 2.0, by John Heilemann
Back in the nineties, Jason Calcanis was a Silicon Alley cowboy. Now, at AOL, he’s in full corporate harness. Is that the only way for an entrepreneur to get to the top? p. 28"

Let's hope New York Mag learns to spell "Calacanis" before this hits the newsrack.