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So you're missing the Supernova conference, and now everyone will know you're out of the loop. Not so! Modern technology allows you to pocket the $2500 admission and sit at home. Come back to work full of Supernova stories, and the boss will never know you didn't go.

  • Blogger Jeremiah Owyang took studious notes from yesterday's talks, replacing six hours of talk with ten minutes of nitty-gritty.
  • Supernova has its own official notes, much longer than Jeremiah's.
  • The Supernova Media Center links to a live audio feed of today's talks, as well as podcasts and vlogs of the con.
  • Grab an IRC program (for Windows or OS X) and log onto the #supernova channel on That's the backchannel for the conference, where technologist David Weinberger is holding court among the snarkers under the name "DavidJoho".