Tom Cruise has once again taken a break from the stresses of being the alternately proud and terrified father of a 50-foot-baby who must be concealed from the public at all times by throwing himself into his work. The actor is currently in Tokyo for the premiere of Mission: Impossible III, where he treated Japanese fans to the kind of death-defying promotional stunt he's already performed all over the world. During the premiere event, Cruise informed reporters that he hopes to have ten children, then once his trademark, uncomfortably prolonged laugh subsided, the beloved celebrity charged towards the throng assembled alongside the red carpet, scooped up an armload of confused Japanese children, and waved to the shocked crowd as he escaped in a getaway boat with his new, forcible adoptees. It wasn't until minutes later that the gape-mouthed onlookers realized that Cruise had no intention of coming back to shore to return the screaming youngsters to their parents, giving the cackling, Oscar-nominated abductor all the head start he needed to reach his waiting helicopter.

[Photos: Getty Images]