Monday Morning Box Office: 'Cars' Drifts

Bow before the sacred numbers that the box office gods have provided for us on this holy Monday morning:
1. Cars—$31.181 million
The normally jubilant mood at Pixar's Emeryville animation Utopia following yet another box office victory will be somewhat subdued this morning, as Cars dropped 48 percent from its opening weekend gross on its way to another first place finish. The studio's employees will gather shortly in their headquarters' atrium, but their usual post-victory group shower will be conducted with a lower grade of champagne, and will immediately be followed by a tender group hug and the sharing of gentle affirmations like, "We're still pretty awesome," and "We'll get 'em next time, gang."
2. Nacho Libre—$27.513 million
Telling quote from the Studio of Diminished Expectations, via Box Office Mojo: "'It's beyond anything we anticipated going into the weekend,' said Jim Tharp, Paramount's president of distribution." Why couldn't they fib a little and pretend they had some confidence in the power of Jack Black's bare torso?
3. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift—$24.056 million
We were shocked—shocked!—to discover that Tokyo Drift (longtime working title: 3 Fast 3 Furiouser) wasn't a straight-to-video sequel. We herby apologize for not believing that the kid from Home Improvement could carry a theatrical release.
4. The Lake House—$13.665 million
Keanu Reeves has been trying to recreate some of The Lake House's magic in his own life, but is still waiting for the love letters he's written to his 1999, post-Matrix self to be answered.
5. The Break-Up—$9.502 million
As The Break-Up prepares for its exit from the top five, we share this story in which the real-life Vince Vaughn explains his fascination with Jennifer Aniston's personality.