Foosball games in the dot-com-heavy South Park neighborhood don't mean there's a bubble — it'll be a bubble when a San Francisco startup has room for ping-pong tourneys. But it still felt like 1993 (for those of us who weren't still in grade school) at the offices of today. A team from the online-video-editing startup battled the guys from Valleyschwag (the schwag-magazine division of web-dev company Rubyred Labs, which lives across the street). It was a foosball tournament for the ages — or at least for the weekend.

Beer flowed, balls were smacked, we learned something about Google co-founder Larry Page. Check out the video, a slightly trimmed version of the official Jumpcut cut by Jumpcut employees Ashot and Steve.

High point: Noticing that Jumpcut's foosball men are all named (and labeled) after soccer stars and businessmen. Low point: Summer heat making these geeks sweat and smell more like b-ballers than foosballers.

Valleyschwag vs. Jumpcut Foos Tourney [Jumpcut video]