David Gest's Assistant Claims He Was Expected To Do More Than Just Roll Calls

Liza Minnelli's workaholic ex-husband, David Gest, has been hit with a sexual harassment suit from a former assistant, whose accusations, as detailed in his complaint, run from the typical to the highly specific and/or confusing:
"David A. Gest made sexual comments, touched plaintiff in a sexual nature, wrote sexual comments in plaintiff's calendar, paid another employee to touch plaintiff," [Charles R.] Beyer, 35, wrote in a complaint he filed himself.
While we can readily summon, though may never fully recover from, the mental image of the Humpty Dumpty-headed Gest casually nudging a box of paper clips off the edge of his desk, only to savor every moment of his assistant's efforts to collect them from the floor, it's the other allegations—particularly Gest's prurient calendar-doodling ("Happy 4th! Hope you'll light my firecracker! Ha, ha!") and penchant for outsourcing his molestation duties ("Yo, gardener! 50 bucks for you pinch to my assistant's ass!")—that leave us somewhat perplexed.