AOL team leaks Digg-killer shots just in time for Digg-killer-killer
Oh boy, AOL's Digg rip-off is here! (That's unfair. It's more a rip-off of Social Porn.) AOL exec Jason Calacanis links to Flickr'd photos tagged "NNLaunch," where members of his "Project X" work on AOL's "Digg killer." (That's Jason's heavily rumored Netscape revival.)

You can just make out the Digg-style vote button on the left. How original! [Fabz on Flickr]

Just too fuzzy to make out the URL. [Fabz on Flickr]
Which is wiser for AOL: launching just after Digg version 3 renders it redundant on June 22? Or just before?
Photos: NNLaunch [Flickr]
In the war room... []
Earlier: Scoop: Exclusive screenshots reveal Digg v3 will cover all news [Valleywag]