Jaded Assistant Sneers, Relates Tale Of How Her Boss Ordered Her To Stop Menstruating On Company Time
It's been too long since we've been moved enough to pass along one of Hollywood Momentum's "Screamers," those semi-outraged tales of assistant woe meant to galvanize the entire call-rolling class into rising up and finally overthrowing their better-paid tormentors in a bloody putsch. Today's installment, however, made the cut, if only because of its logline-esque concision:
I worked for a woman who actually said to me, "Remind me to put in a tampax after this meeting."
And I did.
The best part about a story like this is that it will immediately be topped by an assistant who still suffers panic attacks in the Rite Aid feminine hygiene aisle because her boss once demanded help inserting her Tampax, claiming that she was too busy getting screamed at by Joel Silver on a conference call to do it all by herself.