Scoop: Exclusive screenshots reveal: Digg v3 will cover all news

[Update: Digg, meet AOL's Digg killer.]
Digg already soared past Slashdot as the most influential tech-centered news portal. The "Digg effect" can bring down the servers of sites linked from the homepage and drive a frenzy of blogging and news coverage — or spread rumors like nobody's business. That's why Yahoo reportedly offered $40 million for the company (to which founder Kevin Rose says, "I wish!")
But Digg is destined for bigger things than tech news. The above screenshot of Digg version 3 (not showing? wait for it), leaked from a beta tester a week before its launch, reveals categories for "Business" and "World News." This should give Digg a leg up on AOL's rumored general-interest Digg killer.
The tipster says, "I've counted 25+ new topics in this build of the beta, and there is a new design top-to-bottom."
Above, also note the Ajaxy message to the right. After the jump, see Digg's new sorting options.