Renee Zellweger Suspects Nicole Kidman's Fiance May Have Workaholic Tendencies

As Nicole Kidman's attends to the final cloak-and-dagger preparations for her quickly approaching wedding day, her Cold Mountain co-star and confidante Renee Zellweger has been doing everything she can to dissuade Kidman from making the same, pretty-boy-in-a-cowboy-hat-espousing mistakes she made, says website FemaleFirst.
The 'Bridget Jones' Diary' star has reportedly begged her actress friend not to wed fiance Keith Urban on June 25 because he is a workaholic just like her ex-husband, country music star Kenny Chesney.
A friend of Renee's told Britain's Grazia magazine: "She's been saying to Nicole, 'You won't know till your married and it's too late'.
"She says Keith has all the signs of being a workaholic and that is dangerous for Nicole and her family."
Zellweger appears to have dropped the term "fraud" as her spousal-deficiency euphemism of choice. We trust Kidman can read between the lines, however, and will at least consider her once-burned friend's advice. The last thing Zellweger wants to see is for Kidman to have to face the shame and self-doubt that follows a husband's admission that he is a workaholic, who has spent the better part of a marriage cavorting off to workaholic bars and hanging out in online workaholic chatrooms.