• Mukund Rao and Blue Note's Amos Lee strum a few tunes tonight at Freddy's Backroom in Brooklyn. Someone you've actually heard of — not bad for a dive bar on Wednesday. [Freddy's]
• The City Council exposes itself to sunlight long enough to pretend it cares about the environment. Get your crunchy on tonight at Stuyvesant Cove Park for the panel discussion "City Council and the Greening of NYC." [Solar1]
• The O Brother, Where Are Thou soundtrack may be the only bluegrass you've ever heard, but you liked it nonetheless. Ralph Stanley of such fame plays tonight, for free, at Rockefeller Park. [flavorpill]

UPDATE: Due to the threat of inclement weather, the Ralph Stanley concert has been moved indoors to the Stuyvesant High School Theatre, 345 Chambers street, 1st floor, on the corner of West and Chambers Streets. Now you know.