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Elizabeth Spiers stiffens as lit agent Kate Lee goes straight for her wallet.

Having your website's launch party over two months after the site's actual launch is a rather smart idea: unlike the awkward, speculative small talk of a normal launch party, conversations at a delayed launch party don't even have to address the actual website — it's already out there, it's doing whatever it's doing, and rather than talk about geeky web stuff, you can focus your energies on determining whether or not Richard Johnson is going to drive himself home from the party.

Such was the case at last night's celebration of Dealbreaker, the Wall Street gossip blog from founding Gawker editor Elizabeth Spiers. Hoping to find ourselves a sugar daddy, we grabbed Gawker paparazzo Nikola Tamindzic headed uptown to the impossibly stuffy 21 Club, where bankers and lawn jockeys run free. After the jump, Charlie Rose, Michael Woff, media whores aplenty and more power suits then anyone should ever have to look at.

Nikola's full gallery from the event available is available here.

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They're smiling now, but after making a scotch-fuelled pass at Michael Wolff's daughter Elizabeth, Ian Spiegelman ran over to the nearest web cafe and fired off a threatening, hate-filled email to them both.

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Now that he's sober, writer Seth Mnookin must find other ways to entertain himself. Like acting as a human PSA against drugs.

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Apartment therapist and Fortune writer Oliver Ryan will spend the rest of the evening explaining the importance of Scandinavian ottoman design to Ogilvy's Daniel Mauser and Warrie Price, who runs the Conservancy for Battery Park. The girl on the left already wants to kill herself.

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On the left, JP Morgan's Warfield Price pouts upon learning that he's not the only "Warrie Price" at the party.

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Billion-dollar book boy Dana Vachon gets visibly uncomfortable when Times Arts & Leisure dominatrix Ariel Kaminer suggests they do some "close edits" on his next piece.

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The only difference between lawyers and bankers is the magnitude of their shit-eating grins. (Exhibit A: Lawyer.)

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While ICM blogger-book agent Kate Lee snuggles the camera, Paula Froelich looks back at it as it takes her from behind.

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Dealbreaker's John Carney (center) desperately tries to learn a thing or two from Times business reporter and Dealbook blogger Andrew Ross Sorkin and CNBC's Charlie Gasparino.

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Mediabistro's Laurel Touby gets so hot when The Week president and Dealbreaker investor Justin Smith shoves her boa down his pants.

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Seeing Clare McAdams (n e Maccers) reminds us that there's another difference between bankers and lawyers: lawyers sometimes have vaginas.

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Asset International COO Nick Platt (brother of Oliver) is disgusted to learn that you don't even pull in six figures.

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Details' Allison Mohney looks to be enjoying herself but in the meantime, much like us, this waiter's misery mostly comes from having to serve Gawker Media managing editor Lockhart Steele.

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Spiers relishes being the center of attention. It's hard to tell, but she's positively eating up the spotlight. If you look closely, you can see that she's positively jubilant.

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Vintage/Anchor flack Sloane Crosley is thrilled to learn that Oliver Ryan has never heard of James Frey.

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After getting lost in his Eat the Press sandwich, WWD media-stalker Jeff Bercovici was never seen again.

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Once he finishes this drink, Ian Spiegelman will gladly stab you in the belly and pull your guts out and rub 'em all over your bald head.

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Logicworks CEO (and Dealbreaker investor) Carter Burden demonstrates the short-arm toast. Let's just say that Secret isn't strong enough for a man.

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After watching him excitedly mount Gawker mascot Andrew Krucoff, we're not so sure Cookie online editor Peter Feld should be anywhere near a kiddie mag.

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There's a metaphor in here somewhere.

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The only difference between Nick Denton and Seth Mnookin is that Denton hasn't yet conquered his smack habit.

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New York mag's Carl Swanson and Jared Hohlt are enthralled as Spiers launches into the 8th minute of her diatribe on the nuances of Movable Type.

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Now that Charlie Rose has adapted to his new baboon heart, he can return to doing what he loves — WWD's Sara James.

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It took four hours for HuffPo press-eater Rachel Sklar to realize that she was talking to the Post's Braden Keil and not the guy from Will & Grace.

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TheLadders' Michael Shafrir amd DeWayne Martin refuse to stand any closer to each other. They're not, like, gay, dude.

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Institutional Investor's Jonathan Keehner wishes his father, Michael, would just back off and respect him as an adult. "Dammit, old man..."

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Nick Confessore and Noelle Hancock were voted "cutest couple" in the Sylvan Learning Center 2005 yearbook.

[NB: Page Six editor Richard Johnson was present and seen standing next to the bar. Nikola made the mistake of asking before he took a picture (such a fireable offense!), and Richard declined. We can't confirm what was in his glass, but we did see him drop off his keys in the key bowl by the door before skipping his way inside, screaming about togas.]