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Defamer is committed to bringing together professionals from the entertainment industry who are "working," yet still insecure enough about their place in the local food chain to clarify that said employment is not at a national coffee-retailing concern, and the creative, screwed-up women who might tolerate these and various other "eccentric, funny, Jewish-y issues." Writes an anonymous Craigslist poster who doesn't need to look for dates on Craigslist, OK?:

DIRECTOR/SCREENWRITER looking to fool around tonight - m4w - 33 Look, here's the story. I'm a smart enough guy, a professional screenwriter & director. Yep, I actually work, and you may have seen my stuff on TV. You wouldn't have been impressed if you saw it, but there it was. Also, check out the video stores. I'm there. Anyway, I'm not bragging (why should I? I'm not that great), but I just wanted to say that I'm not actually a guy who works at Starbucks.

Like many creative types, I'm a little eccentric. Which is why I'm on this site, I suppose.

Let me guess what you're thinking right now: He must be a really successful director if he needs to post on Craig's List to get a date. :) Actually, I don't need to post on CL for a date. I date pretty regularly, and was in a longish relationship that ended recently.

So why am I here? Because I've got eccentric, funny, Jewish-y issues, that's why. And because it's fun. It's an unexpected kind of fun, but it's fun.

I'm usually described as a cute, intellectual type with glasses. I'm very fit, 5'10", 160-ish pounds. I'm particularly intrigued by smart, creative women who are as screwed up as I am. Takes the pressure off. :)

Hope to hear from you.

A bonus, but not required for consideration: a willingness to occasionally dress up like his mother and ask him when he's finally going to give up on this Hollywood nonsense and go back to medical school.