With Katie Couric gone and newbie Meredith Vieira on her way in, things around the Today show could get shaky. Though Today is doing as well now as it was before Couric left, the changes might expose some of the production's tender spots (like the one on the back of Matt Lauer's head). It would seem the perfect time for ABC and Good Morning America to take the lead, but the departures of executive producer Ben Sherwood and co-host Charlie Gibson leave GMA wobbly. And who the hell is going to share the couch with Sawyer?

The search for Mr. Gibson's replacement is in its initial stages, but among the early candidates is Bill Weir, co-anchor of the weekend edition of "Good Morning America," according to one ABC News executive. Chemistry with Ms. Sawyer will be key in any hiring.

That pretty much leaves Mike Nichols as the only contender.

ABC News Girds for New Bout With 'Today' [WSJ]
Earlier: Completely Unsubstantiated Chatter on the State of Diane Sawyer