Myspace Tom's real friends: Secret comments list leaked
Sure, Tom is your friend. The Myspace founder is everyone's friend — but only in the meaningless way that Kate Moss is your friend until the blow runs out. Tom Anderson keeps his real friends on a private profile under the name "Tom-Tom." Forgive the boy for the asinine nickname; his friends love him to pieces, according to this accidentally public comment list found by Justin D. Alexander.
Actually, their comments are fucking boring. Where are the giddy recollections of nights spent trashing hotel rooms? The bitchy gossip about the women who fight over his body? Ugh, please anything more interesting than "What up Tom, miss ya, let's watch LOTR." Here's one of the few good ones:
Yeah, that's right. Tom rocks out to "Under the Sea." Which, let's face it, is so awesome it hurts.
After the jump, more handpicked comments.
Must...resist...punching...out...white boy!
Not appearing on Cute Overload any time soon.
Okay, Tom and his crew don't actually work, right? They just got plopped in a cubicle farm and periodically watered and fed?