This image was lost some time after publication.

As the publicity train for Dispatches From the Edge keeps chugging along — and, yes, we recognize we've become a de facto (if, we hope, at least slightly mocking) part of it — his Time Warner colleagues aren't being left at the station. Time Inc. employees yesterday received a special invitation to trudge up to Columbus Circle in two weeks for a chance to meet the man themselves. It's a health benefit, apparently:

To: Time Inc. Staff
Posted: 06/07/2006
Where: Inside CNN, Time Warner Center, 3rd Floor
From: Teri Lukin, Director of Health Services and Work Life Initiatives

Anderson Cooper Book Signing at Inside CNN

Meet Anderson Cooper at a book signing of his new release, Dispatches from the Edge: A Memoir of War, Disasters, and Survival .

Date & Time: Monday, June 19, noon
Location: Inside CNN, Time Warner Center, 3rd Floor

[Should you care to experience this as genuine Timers did (but without the constant fear of a layoff!), you can click on the "sweet flyer image" to enlarge it.]

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Anderson Cooper.