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Even the most jaded of locals can occasionally be jarred by the cognitive dissonance of seeing a man whose most indelible cinematic moment involved the discharge of an automatic weapon while under the influence of a wheelbarrow full of blow demonstrating an unexpected taste for bargain shopping:

The world as I know it has just turned upside down. The earth went off its axis. Time literally, LITERALLY stood still. I saw AL PACINO at Target today. Al frigging Pacino! Tony Montana was wearing a rumpled pinstripe suit and pushing a three year old girl in a big red Target shopping cart. WTF? He shops at Target, with a kid? No one bugged him, he just went along his merry way talking to the little kid in the cart and sounding exactly like.....Al Pacino. Too bad it wasn't yesterday or I would have wished him a happy 6-6-06 in homage to his John Milton in THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE.

Stars: They get old and cheap just like us!