Best summer ever? Certainly around the Wenner Media offices, where MTV will be shooting Jann's Adventures in Reality Television, in which Rolling Stone will be presented as a quasi-relevent and hip publication. The cameras may be following around a handful of foolish young'uns competing for the world's most depressing internship, but there's a rising star out there for everyone to catch. Put on your sluttiest outfits, staffers, 'cause filming starts Monday!


To: All Staff
From: Gary Armstrong
Date: June 6, 2006
Re: Rolling Stone & MTV Show
The Rolling Stone Show on MTV is underway...

The filming will officially begin on June 12th with a scheduled completion date in middle August. All employees will be asked to sign a general release for the show, this does not necessarily mean you will be on television, (note: for every 100 hours filmed only one hour will be broadcast). You will receive the release and a memo from our General Counsel, Dana Rosen shortly, explaining in more detail.

As the cameras will soon become a part of our daily routine, please conduct yourselves with a high degree of professionalism as you are representing Wenner Media.

MTV has requested that should you find yourselves in the middle of a shooting area

o Act as naturally as possible

o Avoid making eye contact with the camera

o Do not purposely get involved with the shooting

Under the experienced direction of MTV's crew, this project should prove to be both smooth and enjoyable for all.

Thanks in advanced for your cooperation.

If you have any question regarding the show please don't hesitate to call me.

Gary Armstrong
Chief Marketing Officer Wenner Media
Rolling Stone - Us Weekly - Men's Journal