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Online boutique Etsy — think of it as a hipper eBay for handmades — would be just another dot-com, except for the familiarity of its funders. VC Fred Wilson names the Etsy angel investors:

This round was put together by Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield, founders of Flickr, and includes Joshua Schachter, the founder of Delicious, and Albert Wenger, the former President of Delicious. These four people have been advising Rob and his colleagues for the past year...

Caterina and Stewart sold Flickr to Yahoo for a rumored $15 to $35 million, and Joshua sold for somewhere in that range. So what are these mini-millionaires thinking? All but Albert are still in charge of their companies, so it's doubtful they want seats on Etsy's board — too messy, they'd rather just "advise." Maybe these Yahoos hope to adopt another dot-com into the Yahoo Web 2.0 family.

Etsy [Union Square Ventures]